during the Cold War, a conflict between the Sith Empire and the Republic. During the war he held the rank of Communications Officer and was deployed on the Republic held planet of Ord Mantell
in the Bright Jewel system of the Mid Rim. Whilst stationed on the planet he and all Republic forces aided the corrupt local government in fighting the Mantellian Separatist
Movement.While stationed at Fort Garnik, Sulan believed he'd manage to shut down the hacking attempts into the Republic communications by Separatists. He was unaware however that hacking had in fact continued from the nearby Talloran village where a pair of data hubs had been built.A month after he believed he'd put a stop to the Separatist hacking attempts Sulan was visited by the Republic operatives who informed him that they had destroyed
the data hubs and put an end to the Separatist hacking. Sulan was shocked to discover that hacking had continued and thanked the pair by rewarding them with commendations before red-flagging all recent communications as possibly compromised.